Thai Ice Tea Color


Thai Ice Tea is calm, warm-toned shade of warm red. It is better contrasting with white. This color combines beautifully with cool cyan, cool magenta or cool green

Inverse Color #1f5787
Complementary Color #78b0e0
Color Shade: warm red (27.69° hue)
Color Temperature: warm
Lightness: 67.45% (better contrasting with white)
Thai Ice Tea Color Sample
Thai Ice Tea Color Sample

Better Alternatives To #e0a878

If you're looking for a similar warm red shade, there are some better alternatives to Thai Ice Tea Color. The Jasper Cane color for instance is a lighter and a bit more faded option, however this color has a mid red bias. Consider a lighter and more saturated alternative called Norman Shaw Goldspar (#e9c68e) for more energetic effect. Try October Bounty as it also a bit more faded and calm.

Complementary Palette

#78b0e0 is the best complementary color to Thai Ice Tea. Cool cyan shades generally complement the warm red hues best as they are found on the opposite end of the color wheel. The most popular #e0a878 complementary color is Viking, as it offers maximum contrast and grab the viewer's attention.

Analogous Palette

The analogous palette of cool red, warm red, and warm yellow colors offers a soft combination of similar warm shades. The analogous colors of Tumbleweed are #e0787c and #e0dc78. Thus found on the left and right of #e0a878 on the color wheel with a 30° gap. Consider matching Sunglo and Chenin colors as they work well with Thai Ice Tea.

Split-complementary Palette

The split-complementary Thai Ice Tea palette consists of #787ce0 and #78e0db colors. They can be found 30° apart on either side of the complementary color (#78b0e0). Try Chetwode Blue and Aquamarine Blue colors in combination with #e0a878, as they are not as contrasting as a complementary color, hence, giving more hue variety to make your design stand out.

Triadic Palette

The triadic palette of #e0a878 offers a combination of warm blue and cool green shades and equally high contrast between the three of them. Find triadic colors at the 120° distance from the Thai Ice Tea. Thus Lavender and Algae Green giving maximum hue separation to use all three together.

Square Palette

The square color palette of Thai Ice Tea contains three additional colors. Thus, complementary Viking, Pastel Green, and Lavender split by 90° on the color wheel. #e0a878 square combo is a palette of warm red, warm green, cool cyan and cool magenta shades that work together well.

Tetradic Palette

The tetradic palette is a bit more complex than the square and has more of a rectangle shape. Thai Ice Tea tetradic combo consists of cool cyan complementary color (#78b0e0) and two others. The Algae Green is positioned 120° clockwise from the primary color and Deep Blush – 120° from the complementary Viking. This palette is not recommended to use as-is. Try to tweak the saturation and brightness of #78e0a8 and #e078b0.

Conversion Table

In a RGB color space, hex #e0a878 is made of 44% red, 33% green and 23% blue. In a HSL mode Thai Ice Tea has a hue angle of 27.69°, a saturation of 62.65% and a lightness of 67.45%. In a CMYK space (used in printing only), hex #e0a878 is made of 0% cyan, 21.96% magenta, 40.78% yellow and 12.16% black ink.

HEX #e0a878
RGB Decimal rgb(224,168,120)
RGB Percentage 44%, 33%, 23%
CMYK 0, 21.96, 40.78, 12.16
HSL hsl(27.69,62.65%,67.45%)
HSV (or HSB) hsv(27.69,46.43%,87.84%)
CIE-LAB lab(73.0291,14.7944,32.755)
XYZ xyz(48.1333,45.2086,23.9585)